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Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama
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  1. #1
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    srce Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    All Quiet On The Western Front

    All quiet on the Western Front, nobody saw
    A youth asleep in the foreign soil, planted by the war
    Feel the pulse of human blood pouring forth
    See the stems of Europe bend under force

    All quiet
    All quiet
    All quiet on the Western Front

    So tired of this garden's grief, nobody cares
    Old kin kiss the small white cross, their only souvenir
    See the Prussian offense fly, weren't we grand
    To place the feel of cold sharp steel in their hands

    It's gone all quiet on the Western Front, male angels sigh
    Ghosts float in a flooded trench as Germany dies
    Fever reaps the flowers of France, fair-haired boys
    String the harps to Victory's voice, joyous noise
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  2.    Linkovi Sponzora


  3. #2
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    Uobičajeno Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    Bennie And The Jets

    Hey kids, shake it loose together
    The spotlight's hitting something
    That's been known to change the weather
    We'll kill the fatted calf tonight
    So stick around
    You're gonna hear electric music
    Solid walls of sound

    Say, Candy and Ronnie, have you seen them yet
    But they're so spaced out, Bennie and the Jets
    Oh but they're weird and they're wonderful
    Oh Bennie she's really keen
    She's got electric boots a mohair suit
    You know I read it in a magazine
    Bennie and the Jets

    Hey kids, plug into the faithless
    Maybe they're blinded
    But Bennie makes them ageless
    We shall survive, let us take ourselves along
    Where we fight our parents out in the streets
    To find who's right and who's wrong
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  4. #3
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    srce Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    Blue Eyes

    Blue eyes
    Baby's got blue eyes
    Like a deep blue sea
    On a blue blue day
    Blue eyes
    Baby's got blue eyes
    When the morning comes
    I'll be far away
    And I say

    Blue eyes
    Holding back the tears
    Holding back the pain
    Baby's got blue eyes
    And she's alone again

    Blue eyes
    Baby's got blue eyes
    Like a clear blue sky
    Watching over me
    Blue eyes
    I love blue eyes
    When I'm by her side
    Where I long to be
    I will see

    Blue eyes laughing in the sun
    Laughing in the rain
    Baby's got blue eyes
    And I am home, and I am home again

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  5. #4
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    Uobičajeno Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    Can You Feel The Love Tonight

    There's a calm surrender to the rush of day
    When the heat of a rolling wind can be turned away
    An enchanted moment, and it sees me through
    It's enough for this restless warrior just to be with you

    And can you feel the love tonight
    It is where we are
    It's enough for this wide-eyed wanderer
    That we got this far
    And can you feel the love tonight
    How it's laid to rest
    It's enough to make kings and vagabonds
    Believe the very best

    There's a time for everyone if they only learn
    That the twisting kaleidoscope moves us all in turn
    There's a rhyme and reason to the wild outdoors
    When the heart of this star-crossed voyager beats in time with yours

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  6. #5
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    srce Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    Candle In The Wind

    Goodbye Norma Jean
    Though I never knew you at all
    You had the grace to hold yourself
    While those around you crawled
    They crawled out of the woodwork
    And they whispered into your brain
    They set you on the treadmill
    And they made you change your name

    And it seems to me you lived your life
    Like a candle in the wind
    Never knowing who to cling to
    When the rain set in
    And I would have liked to have known you
    But I was just a kid
    Your candle burned out long before
    Your legend ever did

    Loneliness was tough
    The toughest role you ever played
    Hollywood created a superstar
    And pain was the price you paid
    Even when you died
    Oh the press still hounded you
    All the papers had to say
    Was that Marilyn was found in the nude

    Goodbye Norma Jean
    From the young man in the 22nd row
    Who sees you as something as more than sexual
    More than just our Marilyn Monroe
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  7. #6
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    Uobičajeno Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama


    Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane
    I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain
    Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye
    God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes

    They say Spain is pretty though I've never been
    Well Daniel says it's the best place that he's ever seen
    Oh and he should know, he's been there enough
    Lord I miss Daniel, oh I miss him so much

    Daniel my brother you are older than me
    Do you still feel the pain of the scars that won't heal
    Your eyes have died but you see more than I
    Daniel you're a star in the face of the sky

    Daniel is travelling tonight on a plane
    I can see the red tail lights heading for Spain
    Oh and I can see Daniel waving goodbye
    God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes
    Oh God it looks like Daniel, must be the clouds in my eyes
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  8. #7
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    srce Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    Don't Go Breaking My Heart

    Don't go breaking my heart
    I couldn't if I tried
    Honey if I get restless
    Baby you're not that kind

    Don't go breaking my heart
    You take the weight off me
    Honey when you knock on my door
    I gave you my key

    Nobody knows it
    When I was down
    I was your clown
    Nobody knows it
    Right from the start
    I gave you my heart
    I gave you my heart

    So don't go breaking my heart
    I won't go breaking your heart
    Don't go breaking my heart

    And nobody told us
    `Cause nobody showed us
    And now it's up to us babe
    I think we can make it

    So don't misunderstand me
    You put the light in my life
    You put the sparks to the flame
    I've got your heart in my sights

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  9. #8
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    Uobičajeno Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me

    I can't light no more of your darkness
    All my pictures seem to fade to black and white
    I'm growing tired and time stands still before me
    Frozen here on the ladder of my life

    Too late to save myself from falling
    I took a chance and changed your way of life
    But you misread my meaning when I met you
    Closed the door and left me blinded by the light

    Don't let the sun go down on me
    Although I search myself, it's always someone else I see
    I'd just allow a fragment of your life to wander free
    But losing everything is like the sun going down on me

    I can't find, oh the right romantic line
    But see me once and see the way I feel
    Don't discard me just because you think I mean you harm
    But these cuts I have they need love to help them heal

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  10. #9
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    srce Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues

    Don't wish it away
    Don't look at it like it's forever
    Between you and me I could honestly say
    That things can only get better

    And while I'm away
    Dust out the demons inside
    And it won't be long before you and me run
    To the place in our hearts where we hide

    And I guess that's why they call it the blues
    Time on my hands could be time spent with you
    Laughing like children, living like lovers
    Rolling like thunder under the covers
    And I guess that's why they call it the blues

    Just stare into space
    Picture my face in your hands
    Live for each second without hesitation
    And never forget I'm your man

    Wait on me girl
    Cry in the night if it helps
    But more than ever I simply love you
    More than I love life itself

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  11. #10
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
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    Uobičajeno Odg: Elton John - Tekstovi Pesama

    I Want Love

    I want love, but it's impossible
    A man like me, so irresponsible
    A man like me is dead in places
    Other men feel liberated

    I can't love, shot full of holes
    Don't feel nothing, I just feel cold
    Don't feel nothing, just old scars
    Toughening up around my heart

    But I want love, just a different kind
    I want love, won't break me down
    Won't brick me up, won't fence me in
    I want a love, that don't mean a thing
    That's the love I want, I want love

    I want love on my own terms
    After everything I've ever learned
    Me, I carry too much baggage
    Oh man I've seen so much traffic

    So bring it on, I've been bruised
    Don't give me love that's clean and smooth
    I'm ready for the rougher stuff
    No sweet romance, I've had enough

    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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