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Slash - Tekstovi pesama - Strana 3
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  1. #21
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama

    "One Last Thrill"

    My life it feels just like a never-ending Monday morning
    Somebody wake me from this nightmare
    Will it ever end?
    No, I don't like it
    No color in the sky, the same old tired situation
    Stuck in the place I can't escape
    I've been here way too long
    All this monotony has gotten me nowhere
    But doubt I'm reckless and on fire

    I still remember
    We did whatever
    We had it all when we were young and free
    Was never better, those were the best of times

    One last thrill and always
    It seemed to feel so right
    What I'd give for one taste
    Of one last thrill before I die

    I go to work, the boss is clamoring for my attention
    Another monologue I've heard a million times before
    No, I'm not lying
    I'm bored to death as I can beg it since I don't remember

    It's like a promise, like a suicide I can't endure
    Whenever I don't get any time I think I'm gonna die
    I'm reckless and on fire

    I still remember
    I did whatever
    I had it all when I was young and free
    Was never better, those were the best of times

    One last thrill and always
    It seemed to feel so right
    What I'd give for one taste
    Of one last thrill before I die

    I wanna feel what I felt before
    I wanna know there's something more
    'Cause the Devil down in me, it never dies
    I wanna revel in ecstasy
    I want that drug down at me
    Wanna live just like I'm dying
    I don't wanna let this moment pass me by
    I wave bye bye bye


    One last thrill and always
    It seemed to feel so right
    What I'd give for one taste
    Of one last thrill before I...

    One last thrill and always
    It seemed to feel so right
    What I'd give for one taste
    Of one last thrill before I die
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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  3. #22
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama

    "Standing In The Sun"

    You're the dark to light
    You're never satisfied
    You only know the things that will fail to be
    A pessimistic one
    Who sees the end to come
    Where every joy is lost to a tragedy

    And still you wonder why you cannot find your peace today
    'Cause you were meant to live
    So much more than this
    Now if only you could see

    You could be standing out in the Sun
    Still the rain's coming down
    Rain's coming down
    There ain't a cloud in sight
    Still your heart beats cold and grey
    Every day

    You know it brings me down
    The way you drag around
    Your heavy heart just like a stone
    Well, keep your misery
    Don't put it all on me
    'Cause I've got problems of my own

    You could be standing out in the Sun
    Still the rain's coming down
    Rain's coming down
    So keep your cloud of darkness and doom off my parade
    Yeah today

    And if I go, you know I set off a spark
    I would burn it out, I would burn it all away
    If you're a fire jaded, cold calloused heart
    Some day, I'll find a way


    You could be standing out in the Sun
    Still the rain's coming down
    Rain's coming down
    There ain't a cloud in sight
    Still your heart beats cold and grey
    Every day

    You could be standing out in the Sun
    Still the rain's coming down
    Rain's coming down
    Someday I'll steal the spark, I will burn your cloud away
    I'll find a way
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  4. #23
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
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    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama

    "You're A Lie"

    You’re the voice of reason that I can’t escape,
    Cut me down a thousand times a day
    I don’t need you anymore
    I don’t need you anymore
    I trusted you and there was no one else
    All you did was make me doubt myself
    Don’t believe you anymore
    Don’t believe you anymore

    You bled me out, you tore me down
    Your time has come, you can go.

    ‘Cause you’re a lie (lie), lie (lie)
    All my faith has been wasted, wasted
    ‘Cause you’re a lie (lie), lie (lie)
    I don’t need you to save me anymore

    I’m fragile, but I’m not a fool
    I won’t hear another word from you.
    You won’t hurt me anymore
    You won’t hurt me anymore

    The hand I held just held me down
    It took so long, now I know

    ‘Cause you’re a lie (lie), lie (lie)
    All my faith has been wasted, wasted
    ‘Cause you’re a lie (lie), lie (lie)
    I won’t sit here and take this anymore

    You can say anything that you wanna say
    But my intention’s long gone and turned away
    You’re such a lie, you were only the enemy
    Everything you are I will deny

    ‘Cause you’re a lie (lie), lie (lie)
    I’ll just come out and say it, say it
    ‘Cause you’re a lie (lie), lie (lie)
    All my faith has been wasted, wasted
    ‘Cause you’re a lie (lie), lie (lie)
    I don’t need you to save me anymore
    I don’t need you to save me anymore
    I don’t need you to save me anymore
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  5. #24
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama

    "No More Heroes"

    Took a shot in the dark
    Though the aim was true
    Still it missed the mark
    As we wait for a hero we can't find
    Now I know, now I realize
    It's a hard line
    Once you cross you're on your own
    But I won't lie, I'm not satisfied
    We can't wait much longer

    When your heroes, turn to the enemy
    And there's nothing left to hold
    When your heroes, give only apologies
    I won't deny it leaves me cold

    Once again, you let us fall
    Still you ease our minds and assured us all
    In the end, everything's gonna be alright
    But they won't
    Now I realize, these are hard times
    We can't fight them on our own
    But I won't lie, I'm not satisfied
    Who will save tomorrow?

    When your heroes, turn to the enemy
    And there's nothing left to hold
    When your heroes, give only apologies
    I won't deny it leaves me cold

    Hope we're still alive
    Still alive
    Oh, oh, oh
    We're still alive
    Still alive in the end


    Now I know
    Now I realize, these are hard times
    We can't face them on our own
    But I won't lie, I'm not satisfied
    Who will save tomorrow?

    When your heroes, turn to the enemy
    And there's nothing left to hold
    When your heroes, give only apologies
    I won't deny it leaves me cold

    When your heroes, turn to the enemy
    And there's nothing left to hold
    When your heroes, give only apologies
    I won't deny it leaves me cold

    If we're still alive
    Still alive
    Oh, oh, oh
    If we're still alive
    I would never doubt you again
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  6. #25
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
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    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama


    Like a prophet of doom I've come to show the way
    I'm the Devil you keep inside
    'Cause it's all I can do to stay solid and remain
    Watching all of your days pass you by

    But the time has come
    To throw your halo down
    We may never live forever
    So you better live for now
    Don't deny it
    What you need ain't in the clouds
    Here it comes, here it comes
    Time to dirty up your halo

    Could be living so hard, but you waste your life away
    Still afraid to be what you are
    Still I beg you to try to start loving for today
    'Cause regrets gonna bury your heart

    But the time has come
    To throw your halo down
    We may never live forever
    So you better live for now
    Don't deny it
    What you need ain't in the clouds
    Here it comes, here it comes
    Time to dirty up your halo

    You will not obey, you will not obey - defy it
    I will lead the way, I will lead the way to burn you down


    But the time has come
    To throw your halo down
    We may never live forever
    So you better live for now
    Don't deny it
    What you need ain't in the clouds
    Here it comes, here it comes
    Time to dirty up your halo

    Put down your halo
    Put down your halo

    Here it comes, here it comes
    Time to dirty up your halo now
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  7. #26
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama

    "We Will Roam"

    A restless tide
    Is breaking on the shore
    Unsettled skies
    Beyond the storm

    The wind we ride
    Until we can no more
    Just to find our own
    Just to find out own

    We can't let go

    And still we roam
    Now forevermore
    Tread the night on steel and stone
    And still we roam
    Never asking more
    Where we are will be our home
    Our home

    And it's been said
    That we're the last to fall
    A precious few
    The first to fade

    Keepers till the end
    Of what was lost
    Still we can't let go
    Still we can't let go

    We're on our own

    And still we roam
    Now forevermore
    Tread the night on steel and stone
    And still we roam
    Never asking more
    Where we are will be our home

    And still we roam
    Now forevermore
    Tread the night on steel and stone
    And still we roam
    Never asking more
    Where we are will be our home
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  8. #27
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama


    Blood red sky on a desert road
    Gotta make my way down to Mexico
    For what I did I know that it was wrong
    The fire in my heart, it will never die
    Everything I love will be left behind
    No turning back, forever gone tonight

    All my love Anastasia, Anastasia
    This may be our last goodbye
    You can't save me, I am fading
    Blood is on my hands tonight

    All I need is a miracle
    Lawmen got me running now forever more
    They'll hunt me down until the end of time
    Oh my mama, now I've got to go
    Never love another how I've loved you so
    I'm so afraid to leave this all behind

    All my love Anastasia, Anastasia
    This may be our last goodbye
    You can't save me, I am fading
    Blood is on my hands tonight

    All my love Anastasia, Anastasia
    This may be our last goodbye
    You can't save me, I am fading
    Blood is on my hands tonight

    Anastasia, Anastasia
    For your honor took a life
    You can't save me, I am fading
    Blood is on my hands tonight
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  9. #28
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama

    "Not For Me"

    Dirty Sunrise creeping in
    Broken bottles, gilled within
    The room is black
    The blinds are drawn

    I don't remember anything
    What I've done, where I've been
    Another night has come and gone

    This is not for me, no
    This is not for me, no
    This life is not for me, no
    This is not for me, no

    The devil smiles and laughs at me
    Says you'll be back, just wait and see
    You know I've heard this all before

    And I say
    You can keep your high life in the hills
    Your cocaine lies and whiskey thrills
    I don't need you anymore

    This is not for me, no
    This is not for me, no
    This life is not for me, no
    This is not for me, no
    Oh oh oh

    The only thing that makes me whole again
    Is to stand right here before you with a song, oh
    I'll keep running til the very end
    For the life I've lived is not the life I want

    Dirty sunrise creeping in
    Broken bottles, gilled within
    In a place I don't belong

    This is not for me, oh
    This is not for me, oh
    This life is not for me, oh
    This life is not for me, oh
    Anymore, yeah

    You can keep your life
    I don't want anymore, yeah
    I'm gonna leave it all behind yeah
    I'm gonna leave it all behind yeah
    I don't want no more, don't want no more
    Yeah yeah yeah
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  10. #29
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama

    "Bad Rain"

    Bloodlust tonight, bite my tongue and hold it in
    From deep inside she aches for every part of him
    In the rapture of the midnight sun
    She is longing for immortal love
    New moon hangs high, tell me will it ever end?
    Oh, oh, whoa, oho

    Here comes the bad rain,
    Falling from an aching heart
    Here comes the bad rain
    Don’t know when it’s gonna stop

    She’s somewhere else, should be lying next to me
    Under the spell, tangled in her ecstasy
    From her veins she gave a streaming life
    Let him pray on her like a sacrifice
    Still she denies everything so brazenly
    Oh, oh, whoa, oho

    Here comes the bad rain,
    Falling from an aching heart
    Here comes the bad rain
    Don’t know when it’s gonna stop

    And in the madness of this love
    She won't surrender 'til it's done
    And so I'm lost to wait
    God, this night could last forever


    And so it ends, kisses me and kills the lights
    The living dead always leave her satisfied

    Here comes the bad rain,
    Falling from an aching heart
    Here comes the bad rain
    Don’t know when it’s gonna stop.

    Here comes the bad rain,
    Falling from an aching heart
    Here comes the bad rain
    Don’t know when it’s gonna stop.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  11. #30
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: Slash - Tekstovi pesama

    "Hard & Fast"

    I don't want it
    Don't need anymore
    You got me lying on the killing floor tonight

    I'm on eleven
    Been up for days

    It's gonna bring me to an early grave
    This life
    So I've got to go
    You won't change my mind

    Cause I can't survive
    Another night in the white room
    Cause a tiny bit
    It always turns to more

    And these bloodshot eyes got to say goodbye
    I had my fun
    But I can't deny
    Living hard and fast
    I'll never last beside you

    My skin is crawling
    I'm a shell of myself
    You come a roaring like a bat out of hell
    That's right
    Every fucking time

    Well come on lover
    Won't you give it a rest
    I'm never gonna make it out of this mess alive

    So I've got to go
    Got to say goodbye

    Cause I can't survive
    Another night in the white room
    Cause a tiny bit
    It always turns to more

    And these bloodshot eyes got to say goodbye
    I had my fun
    But I can't deny
    Living hard and fast
    I'll never last beside you

    Cause I can't survive
    Another night in the white room
    Cause a tiny bit
    It always turns to more

    And these bloodshot eyes got to say goodbye
    I had my fun
    But I can't deny
    Living hard and fast
    I'll never last beside you
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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  1. Slash - Tekstualna diskografija
    Od maja11 u forumu Tekstualne Diskografije Strane Muzike
    Odgovori: 0
    Zadnji Post: 20.01.2020, 06:56
  2. Slash – Biografija
    Od maja11 u forumu Biografije Izvodjaca Strane Muzike
    Odgovori: 1
    Zadnji Post: 20.01.2020, 06:46
  3. ET - Tekstovi Pesama
    Od Vesna u forumu Tekstovi Pesama Zabavne Muzike
    Odgovori: 65
    Zadnji Post: 05.07.2016, 21:34
  4. Sha Ila - Tekstovi Pesama
    Od S_Lady u forumu Tekstovi Pesama Zabavne Muzike
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    Zadnji Post: 16.05.2013, 09:37
  5. Yu-Gi-Oh! - Tekstovi Pesama
    Od Vesna u forumu Tekstovi Pesama Strane Muzike
    Odgovori: 12
    Zadnji Post: 02.09.2012, 17:20

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3-15-2025 [Subota] [09:57:42] pm
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