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Bad Company - Tekstovi Pesama - Strana 3
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  1. #21
    Poeni: 59.506, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 32,0%
    Tagger First ClassOverdriveVeteran50000 Experience Points
    Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 13.02.2025 @ 11:41

    Uobičajeno Odg: Bad Company - Tekstovi Pesama

    Bad Company

    Dead Of The Night

    Songwriters: Thomas, Terry; Ralphs, Mick;Every night as I sit on my own, I still think I can hear you
    I can't stand all this being alone, I just gotta be near you
    I don't know if you're coming back, sometimes I could scream
    But every night I know I'll see you, you still live in my dreams

    In the dead of the night, when everybody's sleeping
    Oh, that is the time when you come around

    You left and my world fell apart, and I was desperate to find you
    I want you back but where do I start, I need help to remind you
    I don't know if you'll ever remember, when love reigned supreme
    The only time that I get to see you now, is here in my dreams

    In the dead of the night, when everybody's sleeping
    Oh, that is the time when you come around

    Oh babe, when you come back, and put an end to this pain
    Meantime if I close my eyes, I'll see you again

    In the dead of the night, when everybody's sleeping
    Oh, that is the time when you come around
    "Svak je rođen da po jednom umre,
    čast i bruka žive doveka."
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  2.    Linkovi Sponzora


  3. #22
    Poeni: 59.506, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 32,0%
    Tagger First ClassOverdriveVeteran50000 Experience Points
    Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 13.02.2025 @ 11:41

    Uobičajeno Odg: Bad Company - Tekstovi Pesama

    Bad Company

    Deal With The Preacher

    Songwriters: Rodgers, Paul; Ralphs, Mick;I need love, the kind of love I've never know before
    You'll need it too the kind that makes you feel so good
    I want to give, give you all the love you need
    Well, I'm a loner, baby and that's the way I want to be

    As the sun climbs across the sky above
    So your smile fill me with a stronger love
    Just you and I, baby watchin' the morning sky
    Somehow I know it's time for me to say goodbye

    Here's why

    I cant make a deal with the preacher
    And I can't make a bargain with heaven

    Angel you came to my window
    Angel you came to my door
    I was a fool when I let you in
    I sure ain't no fool any more

    As the sun climbs across the sky above
    So your smile fill me with a stronger love
    Just you and I, baby watchin' the morning sky
    Somehow I now it's time for me to say goodbye

    Now let me say

    I can't make a deal with the preacher, baby, oh yeah
    And I can't make a bargain with heaven

    Heaven knows me right now
    I can't make a deal, oh no

    I can't make a deal, make a deal
    Make a deal, make a deal, make a deal
    Make a deal, make a deal, make a deal

    I can't make a deal, make a deal
    Make a deal, make a deal, make a deal
    Make a deal
    And I can't make a bargain with heaven
    "Svak je rođen da po jednom umre,
    čast i bruka žive doveka."
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  4. #23
    Poeni: 59.506, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 32,0%
    Tagger First ClassOverdriveVeteran50000 Experience Points
    Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 13.02.2025 @ 11:41

    Uobičajeno Odg: Bad Company - Tekstovi Pesama

    Bad Company

    Dirty Boy

    Whoa yeah!
    She came walking in like a vision, everybody's school boy dream
    Ooh yeah, she could be my teacher, ooh yeah, she could be my queen
    Me and the boys, we stopped talking, she came walking through
    And one by one the subject got around, yeah, got around to you, thank god
    I've got no secrets, I've got no clue
    And all I really wanna do, is get next to you
    You know what the world's about, and I'll be your dirty boy
    Well your clothes are made by designers, you only wear the best perfume
    You're so cold and chique, yeah, you're so unique
    But when it comes to me, don't think that you're immune, no
    I've got no answers, I've got no doubt
    I know you wanna show me baby, what the world's about
    Don't treat me like I broke your toy, and I'll be your dirty boy

    I've got no secrets, I've got no clue
    And all I really wanna do, is get next to you
    You know what the world's about, and I'll be your dirty boy
    I've got no answers, I've got no doubt
    I know you wanna show me babe, what the world's about
    Don't treat me like I broke your toy, and I'll be
    Be your dirty boy, be your dirty boy, I wanna be your dirty boy, ooh yeah
    I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be your dirty boy, be your dirty boy, yeah
    I wanna be your dirty boy, be your dirty boy...
    "Svak je rođen da po jednom umre,
    čast i bruka žive doveka."
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  5. #24
    Poeni: 59.506, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 32,0%
    Tagger First ClassOverdriveVeteran50000 Experience Points
    Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 13.02.2025 @ 11:41

    Uobičajeno Odg: Bad Company - Tekstovi Pesama

    Bad Company

    Do Right By Your Woman

    Songwriters: Rodgers, Paul;Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you
    Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you

    Well you always gave me loving, though I treated you so bad
    Changed my mind about wasting my time
    Spending money and drinking wine

    Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you
    Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you

    Well you always gave me loving, though I treated you so bad
    I was changing my mind, wasting my time
    Spending money and drinking wine

    Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you
    Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you

    What I say, do right by your woman, she'll do right by you
    Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you

    Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you
    Do right by your woman, she'll do right by you
    "Svak je rođen da po jednom umre,
    čast i bruka žive doveka."
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  6. #25
    Poeni: 59.506, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 32,0%
    Tagger First ClassOverdriveVeteran50000 Experience Points
    Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada is a splendid one to behold Rada's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 13.02.2025 @ 11:41

    Uobičajeno Odg: Bad Company - Tekstovi Pesama

    Bad Company

    Don't Let Me Down

    Songwriters: Rodgers, Paul; Ralphs, Mick;If I had a love that was so true
    Then I wouldn`t have to make do
    With the half a love that I have found
    That is tearin' me down to the ground

    Don't let me down, don't let me down
    Don't let me down, tell me love can be found

    If I had a love that was so real
    And who would know the way I feel
    I want all your love today
    Just to keep me from fading away

    Don't let me down, don't let me down
    Don't let me down, tell me love can be found

    Don't let me down, don't let me down
    Don't let me down, tell me love can be found

    I know, I know, I know, I know
    Don't let me down, don't let me down
    Don't let me down, tell me love can be found

    Don't let me down, don't let me down
    Don't let me down

    "Svak je rođen da po jednom umre,
    čast i bruka žive doveka."
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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    Zadnji Post: 10.06.2012, 13:58

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