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A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama
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  1. #1
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    srce A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Almost Lover

    Your fingertips across my skin
    The palm trees swaying in the wind

    You sang me Spanish lullabies
    The sweetest sadness in your eyes
    Clever trick

    I never want to see you unhappy
    I thought you'd want the same for me

    Goodbye, my almost lover
    Goodbye, my hopeless dream
    I'm trying not to think about you
    Can't you just let me be?
    So long, my luckless romance
    My back is turned on you
    I should've known you'd bring me heartache
    Almost lovers always do

    We walked along a crowded street
    You took my hand and danced with me

    And when you left you kissed my lips
    You told me you'd never ever forget these images, no

    I never want to see you unhappy
    I thought you'd want the same for me

    Goodbye, my almost lover
    Goodbye, my hopeless dream
    I'm trying not to think about you
    Can't you just let me be?
    So long, my luckless romance
    My back is turned on you
    I should've known you'd bring me heartache
    Almost lovers always do

    I cannot go to the ocean
    I cannot drive the streets at night
    I cannot wake up in the morning
    Without you on my mind
    So you're gone and I'm haunted
    And I bet you are just fine
    Did I make it that easy
    To walk right in and out of my life?

    Goodbye, my almost lover
    Goodbye, my hopeless dream
    I'm trying not to think about you
    Can't you just let me be?
    So long, my luckless romance
    My back is turned on you
    I should've known you'd bring me heartache
    Almost lovers always do
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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  3. #2
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    negde iznad zvezda

    Uobičajeno Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Ashes And Wine

    Don't know what to do anymore
    I've lost the only love worth fighting for
    I'll drown in my tear storming sea,
    That would show you, that would make you hurt like me

    All the same
    I don't want mudslinging games
    It's such a shame
    To let you walk away

    Is there a chance?
    A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel?
    A reason to fight?
    Is there a chance you may change your mind?
    Or are we ashes and wine?

    Don't know if our fate's already sealed
    This day's spinning circus on a wheel
    I'm ill with the thought of your kiss
    Coffee laced intoxicating on her lips

    Shut it out
    I've got no claim on you now
    Not allowed to wear your freedom down

    Is there a chance?
    A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel?
    A reason to fight?
    Is there a chance you may change your mind?
    Or are we ashes and wine?

    I'll tear myself away
    That is what you need
    There is nothing left to say

    Is there a chance?
    A fragment of light at the end of the tunnel?
    A reason to fight?
    Is there a chance you may change your mind?
    Or are we ashes and wine?
    The day's still ashes and wine
    Or are we ashes?
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  4. #3
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
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    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
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    negde iznad zvezda

    srce Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Avalanches (Culla's Song)

    We found ourselves atop of a mountain peak
    The air was thin as a beggar’s sleeve
    The city lights were miles away
    The hush was as thick as your winter coat
    And you wrote our names in the morning
    Snow with fallen twigs and berries saved

    Well, don’t be scared of avalanches
    Tucked up in my snowy branches
    I will
    Oh I will
    Oh I will
    I will keep you safe

    The sun is overhead and you lift your face
    Up to the sky and you sing this place
    The sweetest song it's ever known
    Then slowly the deer and the rabbits crept
    Outside to hear, the grizzlies left
    Their great big teeth and their claws
    At home

    Don't be scared of avalanches
    Tucked up in my snowy branches, I will
    And look how well the gray wolf dances
    You bring light and second chances
    I will
    Oh I will
    Oh oh I will
    Oh oh I will
    Oh oh I will
    Yes, I will

    I will
    I will
    Keep you safe
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  5. #4
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    srce Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Bird Of The Summer

    You came with the season, as the first swallow sang
    A brown headed stranger, with a five-letter name

    We planted our kisses where the wild berries grow my feet sprouted wings and I flew all the way home dooodoodoo

    My cheeks red like fire engines racing straight to the heat of your skin and I know our days are numbered, early bird of the summer you'll fly south just as the fall begins

    The leaves changed their colors and the schoolyards were filled
    My coat with the patches barely keeps out the chill dooo

    You sent me a postcard from a town out of state, I wish it were warmer and I hope you're the same doopdoodoo

    The fields where we wandered were golden
    Now only muddy my boots and I know I should recover, you're a bird of the summer, I was wrong to try and capture you


    I met someone walking in a park by the lake
    He don't fly like we did but he don't fly away

    Gone is the pale hand of winter
    Here is the first flush of may
    And soon I will discover whether birds of the summer fly in circles or just fly away
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  6. #5
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    srce Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Wish You Well

    You're a million miles away this Christmas
    You're a million miles away from home
    But if you feel like coming back, coming back, let me know

    I haven't heard you call me sister
    I haven't heard it said in years
    But it's a funny thing now it's the only thing I want to hear
    For I don't know you anymore

    I said ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling
    Ring a sleigh bell
    Ring a doorbell
    I want to wish you well

    Our family was never perfect
    You did your best to tear it down
    Well everybody made mistakes
    I wish we could fix'em now

    I understand that you are angry
    Well, maybe I am angry too
    Cause I still love you brother
    But I don't know what to make of you
    When I don't know you anymore

    I said ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling
    Ring a sleigh bell
    Ring a doorbell
    I want to wish you well

    I said ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling
    Ring a sleigh bell
    Ring a doorbell
    I want to wish you well

    Now do you sit by your plastic tree
    And tell your friends you've no family
    It's not over, over, over
    It's not over, over, over

    I said ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling
    Ring a sleigh bell
    Ring a doorbell
    I want to wish you well

    I said ring-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling
    Ring a sleigh bell
    Ring a doorbell
    I want to wish you well
    I want to wish you well
    I want to wish you well
    I want to wish you well
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  7. #6
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    negde iznad zvezda

    Uobičajeno Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    You Picked Me

    One, two, three
    Counting out the signs we see
    The tall buildings
    Fading in the distance
    Only dots on a map
    Four, five, six
    The two of us a perfect fit
    You're all mine, all mine

    And all I can say
    Is you blow me away

    Like an apple on a tree
    Hiding out behind the leaves
    I was difficult to reach
    But you picked me
    Like a shell upon a beach
    Just another pretty piece
    I was difficult to see
    But you picked me
    Yeah you picked me

    So softly
    Rain against the windows
    And the strong coffee
    Warming up my fingers
    In this fisherman's house
    You got me
    Searched the sand
    And climbed the tree
    And brought me back down

    And all I can say
    Is you blow me away

    Like an apple on a tree
    Hiding out behind the leaves
    I was difficult to reach
    But you picked me
    Like a shell upon a beach
    Just another pretty piece
    I was difficult to see
    But you picked me
    Yeah you picked me
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  8. #7
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
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    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    srce Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Blow Away

    One of us is gonna be here and
    One of us is gonna be running
    Off along to the great unknown
    You're not me, you're a model of freedom
    All you need are your kicks when you need 'em
    You come and go, caught that slow alright

    With one hand off the side
    We get farther away in the blink of an eye

    And it's the time we waste
    Swallowed into space
    It's the time it takes to
    blo-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh away

    Hey, you, yeah you gotta be leaving,
    Say what you want, what you say, say anything
    No one knows just how deep it goes
    We are old in your teenaged tyranny
    And all you need is a hunger to feed
    I've got my own secrets though, say what?

    With a heart full of mess and lore
    We are doomed but we wanted more (what?)

    It's the ride we take
    The many winged escape
    It's the bough we break to
    blo-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh away
    And we blo-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh away


    One of us is now retreating
    You knocked me down so hard I'm seeing a thousand stars
    Come out where you are
    'cause I won't ever be caught crying
    And I will not be taken lying, down
    It blows into smoke

    The time we waste
    Swallowed into space
    It's the time it takes to blo-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh
    It's the ride we take

    The many winged escape
    It's the bough we break to blo-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh
    It's the times we say that no one's gonna take your place
    It's a mistake to blo-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh away,

    We blo-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh-uh-oh away
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  9. #8
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
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    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
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    negde iznad zvezda

    Uobičajeno Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Winter Wonderland

    Sleigh bells ring
    Are you listening?
    In the lane, snow is glistening
    A beautiful sight
    We're happy tonight
    Walking in a winter wonderland

    Gone away is the bluebird
    Here to stay is a new bird
    He sings a love song
    As we go along
    Walking in a winter wonderland

    In the meadow, we can build a snowman
    Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
    He'll say, "Are you married?"
    We'll say, "No, man
    But you can do the job
    When you're in town."

    Later on, we'll conspire
    As we dream by the fire
    To face unafraid
    The plans that we've made
    Walking in a winter wonderland

    In the meadow, we can build a snowman
    And pretend that he's a circus clown
    We'll have lots of fun with Mr. Snowman
    Until the all the kids knock him down

    When it snows, ain't it thrilling?
    Though your nose gets a chilling
    We'll frolic and play the Eskimo way
    Walking in a winter wonderland
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  10. #9
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
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    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    srce Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Borrowed Time

    Thick as thieves the last of leaves
    In the winter sun
    Holding fast this freezing branch
    Is home to us

    Step, step right over the line
    And onto borrowed time
    When it's life, not waiting to die
    Waiting to divide to divide

    Counting stars and passing cars
    On the interstate
    The end is near I feel it dear,
    But I am not afraid

    Step, step right over the line
    And onto borrowed time
    When it's life, not waiting to die
    Waiting to divide to divide

    But you say you're getting tired
    You're tired and so am I
    When you follow from behind

    Step, step right over the line
    And onto borrowed time
    When it's life, not waiting to die
    Waiting to divide to divide

    But you say you're getting tired
    You're tired and so am I
    When you follow from behind
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  11. #10
    Poeni: 406.386, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,9%
    OverdriveTagger First Class50000 Experience PointsSocialVeteran
    Posting Award
    Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna has a reputation beyond repute Vesna's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : @
    negde iznad zvezda

    Uobičajeno Odg: A Fine Frenzy - Tekstovi Pesama

    Blue Christmas

    I'll have a blue Christmas without you
    I'll be so blue thinking about you
    Decorations of red on a green Christmas tree
    Won't be the same dear, if you're not here with me

    And when those blue snowflakes start falling
    That's when those blue, blue memories, they start a-calling
    You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white
    But I'll, I'll have a blue, blue blue Christmas

    Blue, blue Christmas without you
    Blue, blue
    Blue, blue
    Blue, blue

    You'll be doin' all right, with your Christmas of white
    But I'll have a blue, blue Christmas
    Kad zaćutim, okrenem se i odem, to ne znači da si ti pobedio, to znači da više nisi vredan mog vremena.

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ] DJ. Vesna®
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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