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  1. #51
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Manic Mechanic

    You want to race?
    If you insist.
    At that price, I can't resist,
    That's right, that's right, that's right.

    Tonight it ain't right,
    I got to have me a week.
    But I'll be back for you, Jack,
    and I'll let the machine speak,
    That's right, that's right, that's right.

    Showdown, you bet.
    And I haven't saddled my pony yet.
    Have mercy, Miss Percy.
    I done put the coon tune on this bet,
    That's right, that's right, that's right.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  2.    Linkovi Sponzora


  3. #52
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Dust My Broom

    I'm gonna get up in the morning
    I believe I'll dust my broom.
    I'm gonna get up in the morning
    I believe I'll dust my broom.
    Well my best gal I'll be leaving
    So my friend, get out my room

    I'm gonna write a letter to China
    See if my baby's over there.
    I'm gonna write a letter to China
    See if my baby's over there.
    If she ain't up in the Hawaiian Islands,
    Must be in Ethiopia somewhere

    I believe believe my time alone
    I believe believe my time alone
    I've had to quit my baby and give up my happy home
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  4. #53
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Lowdown In The Street

    Well there comes Lola, out of control-a:
    She just loves those rhythm and blues.
    And miss Ivy will be arriving;
    in leopard skin tights she's willing to cruise.

    It's a fiend scene and it happens 'bout once a week.
    So fork over some bread, it'll do your head to get low down in the street.

    There's Jimmy and Jojo, there's Kim and Keith,
    Way outside the eyes of cool.
    And sweet M.B., and there's little G.B.
    Everybody wants to be their fool.

    It's a fiend scene and it happens here ev'ry week.
    Fork over some bread, it'll do your head to get low down in the street.

    Some nights are lonely, some nights are lazy,
    but ain't nobody try and slip away.
    They'll make you loose. They'll make you crazy.
    Know what I mean, what you say, what you say.

    It's a fiend scene and it happens 'bout once a week.
    So roam on in, it ain't no sin to get low down in the street.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  5. #54
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Hi Fi Mama

    I want your hi fi mama, won't you let me play it tonight
    I want your hi fi mama, won't you let me play it tonight
    I put the needle in the groove, baby while you douse the lights.

    I play it on your dresser, play it upside your wall
    I play it in your kitchen, even play it in your hall
    I play it anywhere you want it, any old time at all.

    Hi fi lo fi no fi's just fine with me.
    Hi fi lo fi no fi's just fine with me.
    And if you want to give me stereo first give me vitamin E.
    I got your name and your number.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  6. #55
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Cheap Sunglasses

    When you get up in the morning and the light is hurt your head
    The first thing you do when you get up out of bed
    Is hit that street a-runnin' and try to meet the masses
    And go get yourself some cheap sunglasses
    Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

    Spied a little thing and I followed her all night
    In a funky fine levis and her sweater's kind of tight
    She had a west coast strut that was sweet as molases
    But what really knocked me out was her cheap sunglasses
    Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah

    Now go out and get yourself some thick black frames
    With the glass so dark thay won't even know your name
    And the choice is up to you cause they come in two classes
    Rhinestone shades and cheap sunglasses
    Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  7. #56
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Esther Be The One

    Esther be the one that shoots a machine gun
    Whether you like it or not.
    Midnight or daylight, stay out of her sight
    'Cuz I heard she's one heck of a shot.
    Esther be the one, she's the only one.
    She'll get you with her gun when the wolf starts howlin' at the moon.

    And you will feel her love bullets when you look her in the eyes.
    There ain't no way to escape.
    And that's when her fever will materialize,
    But it ain't no unfortunate fate.
    Esther be the one, she's the only one.
    She'll get you with her gun when the wolf starts howlin' at the moon.

    It ain't nothin', but it's somethin' so "deal".
    Don't get branded 'cause her ammo ain't real.

    If she gets you in a corner, don't let her mess you 'round
    And don't let her blow you away.
    If you can't dig on Esther, you turn and leave town
    'cause if you think she's bad you ought to see her sister.
    Esther be the one, but she's not the only one.
    She'll get you with her gun when the wolf starts howlin' at the moon.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  8. #57
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Don't Tease Me

    Baby, baby, I need you,
    I'll lay it on you with a straight shot
    Baby, baby, I love you,
    I'll give it ev'rything I got.
    I'm gonna try my best to hold you baby,
    Hold you in my arms.

    Tryin' my best to please you,
    Never ever tease you,
    Don't you go and break my heart.
    Don't burn me like a jet fuel,
    Baby just be cool,
    Don't go tearin' me apart.

    Baby, baby I want you,
    I know we're thinkin' 'bout the same thing.
    Lord have mercy,
    I need you, I can read you like a magazine.
    I'm gonna try my best to hold you baby,
    Hold you in my arms.

    Tryin' my best to please you,
    Never ever tease you,
    Don't you go and break my heart.
    Don't burn me like a jet fuel,
    Baby just be cool,
    Don't go tearin' me apart.

    You know what I'm talkin' 'bout
    Because I'm givin' you the head lines.
    Baby, baby I love you,
    Let's get ready for the good times.
    I'm gonna try my best to hold you baby,
    Hold you in my arms.

    Tryin' my best to please you,
    Never ever tease you,
    Don't you go and break my heart.
    Don't burn me like a jet fuel,
    Baby just be cool,
    Don't go tearin' me apart.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  9. #58
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Groovy Little Hippie Pad

    I'm gonna find me a groovy little hippie pad.
    I'm gonna find me a groovy little hippie pad.
    I work a hundred grand scam from a border town.
    Well, I'll be feeling glad.

    I'm gonna find me a blonde-haired mama,
    In a Jeep with a German Shepherd by her side.
    I'm gonna find me a blonde-haired mama,
    With boots and a fourty-four on her side.
    And if I ain't too high or used up,
    I'll have her take me for a groovy little hippie ride.

    I'm gonna fix brown rice every day,
    And drink down a bottle of Midnight Red.
    I'm gonna fix brown rice every day,
    And drink down a bottle of Midnight Red.
    That's all I need to get groovy,
    That's what all the little hippie said.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  10. #59
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Heaven, Hell, Or Houston

    Hello darling.
    Yes, it's me again.
    I have just returned from the island of Chandelier.
    What am I doing in town?
    Well, I'm glad you asked.
    I'm just passing through in search of the ever elusive Thunderbird.

    I got a job as a public relations man.
    Passing out handbills on Austin Street.
    Merely an effort to improve my financial situation,
    And ward off a case of the D.T.'s

    So farewell, my darling.
    Perhaps we'll meet again
    On some sin-infested street corner in Houston Texas.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  11. #60
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    I Wanna Drive You Home

    She is an American car,
    She isn't legal so she can't go far.
    She got her mind stuck up in second gear,
    Where she going ain't exactly clear.
    Baby please, baby please, I wanna drive you home.

    Low mileage without a pink slip,
    Clean upholstery and it ain't been ripped.
    She stripped her gears only late last night,
    I don't think that thing was oiling right.
    Baby please, baby please, I wanna drive you home.

    She shakes and shimmies all over the road,
    She's always happy when she carry a load.
    Another lonesome automobile,
    Something bout the way she makes me feel.
    Baby please, baby please, I wanna drive you home.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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3-17-2025 [Ponedeljak] [03:58:19] pm
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