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  1. #91
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    My Head's In Mississippi

    I'm shufflin' thru the Texas sand,
    but my head's in Mississippi.
    I'm shufflin' thru the Texas sand,
    but my head's in Mississippi.
    The blues has got a hold of me.
    I believe I'm gettin' dizzy.
    [Spoken:] Help me now.

    I keep thinkin' 'bout that night in Memphis,
    Lord, I thought I was in Heaven.
    I keep thinkin' 'bout that night in Memphis,
    I thought I was in Heaven.
    But I was stumblin' thru the parking lot
    of an invisible seven eleven.
    [Spoken:] What was I doin out there?

    Where's my head baby?
    Somewhere in Mississippi.

    Last night I saw a cowgirl.
    She was floatin' across the ceiling.
    And last night I saw a naked cowgirl.
    She was floatin' across the ceiling.
    She was mumblin to some howlin' wolf
    about some voodoo healin'.
    Mmm Baby.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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  3. #92
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Decision Or Collision

    She's so fine, makes me lose my mind,
    I wish to apply my manhood.
    I'll be glad to go to her pad and
    Maybe the whole band could.

    I got to make a decision
    To avoid a collision.

    She's so tuff, my knee's a little rough
    From crawlin' on across her floor.
    If she'd place an order I'd drink her bath water and
    Not even use a chaser.

    I got to make a decision
    To avoid a collision.

    Her lips are wet and I'd make a bet
    She's been suckin' on her watermellon rind.
    She's a picture of wealth and I know myself
    That I'd take what she leaves behind.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  4. #93
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
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    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Give It Up

    I bet the derby and I won by a nose,
    I bet Vegas and they took my clothes.
    I bet Monte Carlo I was showin' my stuff,
    I bet on you baby, now ain't that enough?

    You got to give it up,
    Give it up baby.
    Give it up.
    You got to give it up, baby, tell me where it's at.

    Well there's a few more things you should know about me,
    I trained trigger single-handedly.
    I invented see-through negligees,
    And I bought the flying saucer off the Presley estate.

    You got to give it up,
    You got to give it up baby.
    Give it up.
    You got to give it up, baby, tell me where it's at.

    I fell in love down in Mexico,
    Thunderbird wine's the only way to go.
    I been in love ten thousand times,
    All you got to do is remember my line.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  5. #94
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    2000 Blues

    A hundred thousand dollars
    wouldn't touch the price I paid
    of the hundred thousand moments
    of the times I wish I'd stayed.
    But even if I had all the time and money,
    it's still the same old news.
    Nothin' does you any good
    when you got 2000 blues.

    Ten thousand clouds
    on a rainy rainy day
    couldn't wash away
    all the dust and the haze.
    But I tried and I tried
    to search for all the clues,
    why I can't wash away
    these 2000 blues.

    If I had an airplane
    with a co-pilot too,
    I'd fly to a planet
    that was closest to you.
    I'd set the tracking system
    with your safety fuse,
    and set the countdown
    for 2000 blues.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  6. #95
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Burger Man

    My charcoal's getting red hot,
    put your order in my hand.
    Won't you let me show you what I got
    sizzlin in the pan.

    Any way you want it baby,
    I am your burger man.

    If you need good hot grillin',
    try my burger stand.
    If you need a slice of thrillin',
    I'm the baddest in the land.

    Any way you want it baby,
    I am your burger man.

    Did you want double meat?
    How 'bout some fries on the side?

    Once you try my burger baby,
    you'll grow a new thyroid gland.
    I said just eat my burger, baby,
    make you smart as Charlie Chan.

    You see the hot sauce can't be beat.
    Sit back and open wide.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  7. #96
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama


    I got shot through a space not long ago,
    I thought I knew the place so well.
    It wasn't the same, now it goes to show,
    Sometime you never can tell.

    I'm lookin' high and low, don't know where to go,
    I got to double back, my friend.
    The only way to find, what I left behind
    I got to double back again, double back again.

    You know I'm movin on in this fine machine,
    Rollin' on through the night.
    Seein' things like I've never seen
    And it's taking me outta sight.

    Lookin' high and low, don't know where to go,
    I got to double back, my friend.
    The only way to find, what I left behind
    I got to double back again, double back again.

    It's got me up and down,
    I been lost and found,
    Down in a deep dark hole.
    Looks like my luck has changed,
    I been rearranged
    And I'm coming out on a roll.

    Lookin' high and low, don't know where to go,
    I got to double back, my friend.
    The only way to find, what I left behind
    I got to double back again, double back again.
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  8. #97
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama


    I been stuck, so I asked her why
    She gave me acupuncture as her alibi
    Shook my soul, and stole my dough
    Left my condition down a deep dark hole
    I'm a pincushion, gotta face the facts
    I'm just a pincushion, do everything she ask
    I get nailed every now and then
    I get my mojo working but I'm pinned again
    I'm a pincushion, gotta face the facts
    I'm just a pincushion, do everything she asks
    I'm getting pricked around and punctureated
    I let my ya ya down, I got penetrated
    I'm a pincushion, gotta face the facts
    I'm just a pincushion, do everything she asks
    I'm a pincushion, gotta face the facts
    I'm just a pincushion, do everything she asks
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  9. #98
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama


    It's a chemical attraction I just can't slide by
    Every time I look into my baby's eyes
    I'm helpless, so helpless, so I surrender
    There's a visual attraction and she's branded my soul
    Simply can't deny it, she has control
    I'm helpless, so helpless, so I remember
    She won't let me breakaway
    She won't let me breakaway
    I said break away, yeah, ah yeah
    We were working it though, baby we had a groove
    Movin' to the moment when we make our move
    But it happened, something happened
    And I'm not lying 'bout the pain
    She won't let me breakaway
    She won't let me breakaway
    I said breakaway, yeah, oh yeah
    I want the answer, I want my stuff
    I'm dealing with a feeling deeper than love
    But I'm helpless, so helpless, but I remember
    She keeps saying breakaway
    Something's saying breakaway
    Telling me to breakaway
    Keeps on saying breakaway
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  10. #99
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    World Of Swirl

    I hit the street running, had an angle in mind
    Looking for a shelter, doing double overtime
    I get a little crazy, but I won't be denied
    Gotta find the time that takes the inside outside
    Tumbling, in a world of swirl
    Rumbling, in a world of swirl
    In a world of swirl
    Everything's hazy, everything's a blur
    Isn't it amazing? checking outta where we were
    It's so unpredictable, at the end of my rope
    Gotta skate the ledge outta this kaleidoscope
    Tumbling, in a world of swirl
    Rumbling, in a world of swirl
    In a world of swirl
    In this cloud of dust, you've got to keep steady
    Hang on you must, you better get ready
    Over the ledge, ripping the curl
    Riding the edge off into to twirl
    Tumbling, in a world of swirl
    Rumbling, in a world of swirl
    In a world of swirl
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

  11. #100
    Stariji Član
    Poeni: 57.089, Nivo: 1
    Level completed: 99%, Points required for next Level: 0
    Overall activity: 99,7%
    Tagger First ClassVeteranSocial50000 Experience Points
    Master Tagger
    maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11 has a reputation beyond repute maja11's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 03.09.2020 @ 07:22

    Uobičajeno Odg: ZZ Top - Tekstovi Pesama

    Fuzzbox Voodoo

    I went down with the fuzzbox
    Grinding a pound or two
    Say I'm down, with a fuzzbox
    Pounding and a workin' it through
    And because you've got fuzz
    Go on and do what you wanna do
    I down down with a fuzzbox
    Checking out what it could do
    It was step-2, blue voodoo
    Fuzzed another hour or two
    Just do it man
    Go with yo' hand
    Once you understand
    Got to do what she wantcha to
    Now lay down on your hot spot
    Listen what I'm tellin' you
    Said leand down witchu hot spot
    Hit chu with the blue voodoo
    Just do it dude
    Everybody do
    Once it's understood
    Talkin fuzzbox blue voodoo
    Odgovor Sa Citatom Odgovor Sa Citatom

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