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Aha-Soft ArtIcons Pro 5.46 Multilingual
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    Mlađi Član
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    BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce has much to be proud of BlackForce's Avatar
    Zadnji Put Online : 31.08.2015 @ 14:45

    Uobičajeno Aha-Soft ArtIcons Pro 5.46 Multilingual

    [Samo registrovani clanovi mogu videti ovaj sadrzaj. ]

    ArtIcons offers innovative edit icon and modify icons abilities to all its users and you will surely have loads of fun using it to edit program icon. If you are having any poor quality pictures and don't know how to make icon, you can make it look outstanding with the help of this software.

    Are you looking for one of the best way to edit icon? If so, then consider ArtIcons, one of the most popular edit program icon software available today. This software is best for professional and amateur photographers those want to create some stunning pictures. With the help of this software you can modify icons and there are some outstanding tools to edit icon, increase and change photographs. There are many features that you can see in this, and it is very important that you know about these features.

    With ArtIcons you can:
    - Create and edit icons in either standard or custom sizes, in color depths up to 16 million colors
    - Create and edit icons for Windows XP in 32-bit color depth with 8-bit alpha channel
    - Create and store images containing several layers
    - Paint images with gradient and chess fill
    - Modify images with drop shadow, opacity, smooth, negative, grayscale, colorize, hue/saturation, rotate, roll and mirror effects
    - Replace image colors
    - Create and manage icon libraries for better and more efficient storage
    - Paste images in various graphic formats (ICO, ICPR, BMP, JPEG and PNG) directly into icons
    - Export icon images to ICO, ICPR, BMP, JPEG and PNG files
    - Extract icons from Windows executables, libraries and animated cursor files
    - Extract icons from all files in selected folders and subfolders and save them as icon libraries
    - Convert Mac icons to Windows format
    - Modify icons inside executables and other program files
    - Sort images inside icons and icons inside libraries
    - Customize Windows Desktop and folder icons
    - Drag and drop files from file shells
    - Drag and drop icons between different libraries

    Morate odgovoriti ili kliknuti na 'Hvala' da biste videli skrivene informacije koje su ovde sadržane.
    Nemate dovoljno prava da biste videli skrivene podatke sadržane ovde.
    Last edited by BlackForce; 14.05.2015 at 23:07.
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  1. avast! Premier 2015 10.2.2218 Multilingual
    Od BlackForce u forumu Programi / Aplikacije
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    Zadnji Post: 09.05.2015, 21:36

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